Before Prayer
Prayer Before Prayer – Torah 55 – Holy Cow!
is a prayer for the aspects Rabbi Nachman revealed in Likutay
Moharan, Torah 55, which correlates prayer to the offering of the red
heifer. To understand this prayer you must be familiar with that holy
teaching, and then you will have great appreciation for the
significance of every word B”H.
the help of Hashem Yisburach hereby I desire to prayer Tefeela
BiTzeeBooR (a communal prayer, it is an acronym
for the three categories:), to see myself as a <B>
baynoanee (-in between; neither good or bad), and to subordinate the
ashes – the collective evil <R> – these are the
(intentional) wrongdoers of Israel, and in particular, this is my
body, so that I merit to hispashtus (stripping out of) hagashmeyus
(the physical), and to bind myself to my rectified Nefesh, Roo'ach,
Neshama (three level of souls in ascending order), and to the true
tzaddikim dwellers of the earth <Tz>. And to fix the
three koaloas (callings); “Koal <the callling of the> kseel
<fool> biroav <with many> devurim <words> - aitz
erez <cedar wood> - emoonoas kuzbee'oas <distorted faiths>
vidarkay emoaree <and the ways of the Emorites – superstitions>
- through the aspect of shecheeta <ritual slaughter>, shlaimus
emoona <perfection of faith>, adooma <red> temeema
<wholesome- without blemish> ashehr <which> loe <did
not> ulu ulehu <have upon it> oal <a yoke>, essu <I
raise> ainaye <my eyes> el <to> Hashem, and I see and
attain comprehension of tzidkuschu <Your righteousness>
vi'yashrus <and the straightness – propriety> lev <of
heart>, that (Psams 36:7) “Tzidkuschu <Your righteousness is>
kihariray ail <like the mighty mountains>,” even though
(continuation of the verse), “mishputechu <Your justice>,”
is overlayed with, “tihoam rabu <great depth of the ocean>,”
for (Deuteronomy 32:41), “visoachaiz <and (I) grasp>
bimishput <the justice> yudee <My hand>,” (Isaiah
51:16), “oovitzail <and in the shadow/shelter> yudee <of
My hand> keeseeseechu <(I) cover you>,” to protect me from
the Ra Eye'in <evil eye> of the evildoers, for everything is in
Your dominion, even to change nature, and You do not withhold the
reward of any creature (so even though we often do not see the
results of our prayers, we are confident in the knowledge that this
is just to protect us from the evil intent against us), and certainly
it is worthy to pray to You, and with this chulu (there is an
effection of) zichoos (the merit of) avoas (the forefathers), vigam
zoas (and also this): the Shechina is here, and it will be fulfilled
in me (Psalms 37:34), “Veyroameemchu <and He will elevate you>
lureshes <to conquer the land>” –- the Land of Israel,
'shev li'yimeenee (sit by My right)', 'shichon <dwell> eretz
<the land> oori'ay <and feed from the pasture of> emoonah
<faith>' --- “biheekurais <in the cutting down of>
rishu'im <the evildoers> teereh <you will see>,” that I
should merit to see by the evildoer what the evildoer desired to see
happen to me. “Vikoal <and the calling of> anoas <weakness,
contempt, derision, blaspheme>” - aizov <hyssop> - the
weakness and deficiency of the heart to contain the intellect and (as
a result it) mocks and blasphemes – (to rectify it) through the
aspect of “sraifu <burning>,” (Psalms 119), “In my heart
I have hidden” complete kavana (intention). “Vikoal <and the
calling of> micharaif <mocking>” - (Psalm 22), “and I am
a worm <tongue of scarlet>” - (to rectify it) through the
aspect of “asseefu <gathering>,” to see myself in the
Chamber of Hashem. “Oonishalmu <and they should fulfill>
puhrim <the role of the cattle brought as offerings>,
si'fusainoo <our lips> (Hosea 14:3),” “visheva <and
seven (fold/times)> ba'yoam <in the day> ahalilecku <I
will praise You> (in Psalms 119:164, it is in the past tense),”
“Veyhey noa'am Adoano”y Eloa”hainoo ulainoo, oomaasay yudainoo
koaninu ulainoo, oomaasay yudainoo koaninayhoo (Psalms 90:17).
Prayer Before Prayer – Torah 65 – Priceless
Merciful One G-d merit me to feel and experience the pleasantness,
value, fortune, exquisite delight and ecstasy, and importance of
every single letter of the prayer, to the extent that it will be
difficult for me to continue from letter to letter. So then merit me
to make one entity of the entire prayer, so that even when I am at
the end of the prayer, I will still be standing (-also a language of
prayer) at the beginning of the word of the beginning of the prayer!
Prayer Before Prayer – Torah 97 – From Absolutely Nothing
who learns Likutay Moharan, Torah 97, will greatly appreciate every
word of this prayer B”H.
me to be a “tzaddik moashail <rules> yeeras Eloakim <(by
virtue of) fear of G-d> (Samuel 2:23:2, Moed Kuttun 16b),” with
my prayer, and to fulfill (Psalms 60), “Lee <to me is> Gilad
[revelation of exquisite delight], vilee <and to me is>
Menasheh [to forget], Vi'Ephraye'im <and Ephraim> [to reverse]
mu'oaz <is the bastion> [surmounting of the holiness] roashee
<my head>, Yehooda <Judah> [prayer] michoakukee <my
ruler> [dominion],” so that I do not stumble (-sin) when I stand
in prayer with thoughts of haughtiness due to my lineage, or my
exertion and strenuous toil in the service of the Creator, and merit
me to forget all of this, and it should seem to me as if I was born
today, and I am alone in the world. And during the prayer, merit me
that any bad thought – that should not come to me – due to any
intentional sin that I transgressed, to reverse it to merit through
(the power of the) holy thoughts of the prayer. And through this
merit me to come to Anuvu (humility) and shifloos (lowliness), from
which is drawn Yeeru (fear – of Heaven), and inherently my prayer
will have Malchus (kingdom) and Memshula (dominion). And it will be
revealed to be an exquisite delight, desirable, crown, and adornment
for Hashem Yisburach. And He will renew His world with the ten
ma'amuroas (sayings; Ethics of Our Father, Chapter 5), and from the
Yud (-the letter Yud = 10) there will be made from the Dalet (the
letter Dalet, is the aspect of Malchus – Kingdom which has nothing
of itself) the letter Hai (the letter Hay, can be made of a Dalet and
a Yud) – the aspect of abundant bounty and milk, and there will be
drawn Kindness (Psalms 89:3), “Umartee <I said> oalum <a
world> chessed <(of) kindness> yeebuneh <will be built>,”
(Psalms 52), “Chessed <the Kindness of> Ai”l (G-d) kul
ha'yoam <the entire day>.” (Psalms 83) “Eloa”him <G-d>
al <do not> dumee luch (take silence for Yourself) [al-dumee
are the same letters as Eloa”him – if a Yud is provided to make
the Dalet into a Hai], al <do not> tishkoat <be silent>
Ai”l <G-d>! And Eldad and Maidad (prophets of the Bible. The
last part of their names, “dad” is a breast, source of milk and
bounty, the aspect of the letter Hai – even as it is spelled with
two Dalets, and the beginning of their names, have the other letters
which form the name of G-d: Eloa”him), yisnaboo (-will prophecise,
prophecy also means to pour forth), will pour fourth and unload shefa
(bounty) in our encampment.
The Aleph Bet Book of the Traits
of Prayer, #76: It is necessary before the prayer to bind one's
roo'ach (spirit) to the Creator, and (-so that) due to the divaikoos
(attachment) the words will emerge of their own accord from his
of Arrogance , #40: The verse (Job 20:6): “If his height rises to
the sky, and his head reaches the cloud(s) [he will be eternally
destroyed like dung, those that look upon him will say, 'Where is
he?' etc..],” and the verse (Proverbs 27:24): “For refuge is not
forever, and is the crown (of wealth) lasting for generations?” are
conducive to breaking haughtiness.
(6:8): It has been told to you, man, what is good, and what Hashem
requires from you, just to do justice, and to love ygkindness, and to
go with modesty with Your G-d.
(10:12-13): And now Israel, what does Hashem your G-d ask of you?
Just to fear Hashem your G-d, to go in all His ways, and to love Him,
and to serve Hashem your G-d with all your heart and all your soul.
To guard the mitzvoas of Hashem and His statutes, which I command you
today, for your benefit.
Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman
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