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Monday, June 12, 2017

The events surrounding the revelation of the famous Torah-lesson "Azamra" - seeing the good and judging favorably


In Rabbi Nussun’s autobiography, Yimay Moharnat – The Days of Our Teacher Rabbi Nussun, he describes at length the events surrounding the revelation of Torah-lesson “Azamra” (see also The Life of Our Leader Rabbi Nachman, article 33). This is all included in chapter 26 which begins with a declaration that he will relate how the holy book Likutay Moharan came to be published. Rabbi Nussun then proceeds to relate how in the summer of 567 (1807) Rabbi Nachman’s wife passed away, and Rabbi Nachman contracted a lung disease and immediately began to talk of his own demise, he said his health was in grave danger and exhorted everyone to pray for him. Amongst other things, he spoke of the need of having 60 warriors surrounding him and of his desire to be buried in Israel if it would have been feasible (as is also documented in The Life of Our Master Leader Rabbi Nachman, article 162). Two days after Yom Kippur 568 (which was a Wednesday) Rabbi Nachman initiated the first step towards the publication of Likutay Moharan, he also finished dictating to Rabbi Nussun his holy awesome book “Sefer Hanisruf” - the book which was burned.

On Shmeenee Atzehress (Saturday, October 24, 1807) Rabbi Nachman gave over the Torah-lesson “Azamra” (“I will sing” - #282), however he did not complete it at that point. On Isroo Chag (the day after the festival of Simchas Torah, Monday the 26th), Rabbi Nachman departed Breslov in great haste heading towards Lemberg (a trip which R’ Nachman of Tchehrin asserts was to combat the rise of heresy in the world), and Rabbi Nussun chased frantically after him, eventually catching up with Rabbainu at night in the town of Kresney. There Rabbainu asked him, “Why are you sad temper? Perhaps you regret what you started?”
And Rabbi Nussun stood there embarrassed and replied meekly, ‘No (i.e. I do not regret Heaven forbid what I started).”
Rabbainu replied, “In that case, why are you in sad temper?”
Rabbi Nussun answered, “For I desire to be a kosher (-proper) man.”
Rabbainu replied, “If so, that you desire to be a kosher man – what do you have to worry about – behold the entire world labors and works for you. This one travels to Breslou and this one to here – all for you.” And with these holy worlds he greatly enlivened Rabbi Nussun.
Then Rabbi Nussun spoke up before him, and said, “I thought I wouldn’t yet see you (-in the respectful plural) today, and behold I merited to see you (-plural) and speak with you (plural).
Rabbainu replied, “We certainly need to see each other, and we will yet see each other In the future again, and again, and again etc..” And he repeated this many times making it a vague promise that they would be seeing each other countless times for all eternity.
In the morning Rabbi Nachman continued on his journey in great haste. Rabbi Nussun ran after the wagon. The wagon had to slow down to descend a mountain, and then it reached a bridge where one of Rabbainu’s men had been waiting in hope of getting a word with Rabbainu, and due to these hold ups Rabbi Nussun was able to catch up to Rabbainu, and he was immediately followed by his friend Rabbi Naftullee. Rabbi Nachman was slightly pleased by their initiative, and showed them a benign countenance, and asked them what they would prefer, “What would you like, either I bless you or I tell you Torah (-holy teachings)?”
Rabbi Nussun replied, “The blessing, you (-plural) will surely bless us G-d willing upon your (-plural) return home, however the Torah, tell it to us right away.” Because he knew that if they would not hear it now it would be an irreplaceable loss.
Rabbi Nachman spoke up and said, “I will tell you an introduction to the purpose of my journey.” Rabbainu then revealed to them the secret of how each of the tzadikim builds a Tabernacle etc. as is explained in the end of the Torah-lesson Azamra (-from the paragraph beginning “And know, that whoever can make these melodies”), and he concluded the Torah as it is printed in Likutay Moharan.
After Rabbainu concluded the Torah, they each kissed his hand and took leave, and they proceeded to run after his carriage until it was out of sight.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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